Kari Hunt

Kari's Hugs
Kari's Law is a vital piece of legislation that ensures individuals can directly dial 911 from any hotel, motel, or multi-line telephone system without needing to dial an additional number first. This law was enacted in response to the tragic death of Kari Rene Hunt, highlighting the importance of accessible emergency services. Kari was murdered by her estranged husband at a hotel where he was staying. During the attack their 9 year old daughter tried 4 times to call emergency services by dialing 911 but the call never went through because the little girl did not know the MLTS system required a caller to dial a "9" for and "outside line".
Kari's Hugs is an initiative created in her memory, focused on spreading awareness and providing support to victims in emergency situations and families affected by domestic violence. Through community outreach and education, Kari's Hugs aims to empower individuals and promote safety in emergency situations. Every Kari's Hugs blanket sold enables us to purchase more for donation to emergency services for use in the field.